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windelf - 音樂 | 2016-11-09 | 點閱數: 379

Oh~ You've been tried so hard to be like a beautiful girl
You did so , you did so
When they tried to wake you up from your beautiful world
They wouldn't know
You don't think they will know

You wanna change your mouth,
and change your eyes and change you face and change your nose

You're gonna change your waist,
change your chest, and change your dress, try to be like her

You look at the mirror how beautiful
look at the new one so beautiful

It's just not that easy as you thought
Believe it or not, the thing is real
before you change the one inside you
So please just take it as you are
just trust that how beautiful you are

I've got to tell you something you never know
Being simple is beautiful
Just remind you something you already knew
Your simple is beautiful



被舞動的 MV 和純粹的歌聲所吸引,聽完莫明的愉悅。